Hack Software 2008

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Acdsee Photo Manager 2009

The Browser
The ACDSee Browser is the main browsing and managing component of the user interface, and is what you see when you start ACDSee using the shortcut icon on your desktop. In the Browser, you can find, move, preview, and sort your files, and access organization and sharing tools.

The Browser consists of 12 panes, most of which can be closed when not in use. The File List pane is always visible, and displays the contents of the current folder, the results of your latest search, or the files in your database that match your filtering criteria. A status bar at the bottom of the Browser window displays information about the currently selected file, folder, or category.

The Browser also features two toolbars: the main toolbar, which provides shortcuts to commonly-used commands, and the context-sensitive toolbar, which provides different shortcuts depending on what is currently selected in the Browser.

You can open and close panes, move them to different areas of your screen, and stack them on other panes or dock them to the edge of the Browser. Most panes also have additional options you can set to further customize their behavior and appearance.

The Viewer
The ACDSee Viewer plays media files and displays images in full resolution, one at a time. You can also open panes in the Viewer to view image properties, display areas of an image at varying magnifications, or examine detailed color information.

You can open the Viewer directly by double-clicking an associated file type in Windows Explorer, and you can use the Viewer to flip quickly between all of the images in a folder. The Viewer contains a toolbar with shortcuts to commonly-used commands, and a status bar at the bottom of the Viewer window, which displays information about the current image or media file.

Edit Mode
You can open your images in ACDSee’s Edit Mode to adjust or enhance them using the editing tools and effects.

Edit Mode displays the available tools on the Edit Panel, a customizable menu that can be closed or hidden when not in use. Clicking the name of a tool on the menu opens that tool in the Edit Panel, where you can adjust the settings to edit or enhance your image.

The Edit Mode also contains a status bar, which displays information about the image you are editing.

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