Hack Software 2008

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Symantec_AntiVirus_C orporate_Edition_10. 1.6.6000

The Symantec AntiVirus preset options for Auto-Protect and all scan types are to clean a virus from an infected file on detection, but to place the file in the Quarantine if it cannot be cleaned. For security risks, the default is to quarantine the infected files and remove or repair their side effects, and to log the detection if it cannot be repaired.

If a virus-infected file is repaired, you don't need to take further action to protect your computer. If a security risk-infected file is quarantined and removed or repaired, you don't need to take further action to protect your computer.

You can deal immediately with infected files from the scan progress dialog box once a scan completes. For example, you may decide to delete a cleaned file because you'd rather replace it with an original file.

You can act on a file that has been infected by a virus or a security risk at a later point from the Risk History or from the Quarantine.

Note: In a centrally managed network, the scan progress dialog box may not appear for administrator-initiated scans. Similarly, your administrator may choose not to display alerts when a virus or security risk is detected.

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VistaTransformationP ack9.0.1 Full

I'm pretty sure you must know and have seen Windows Vista before. It looks really nice for major GUI updates. Many people who have seen it wish to get Vista-style looks for their operating system. It might sounds stupid to say this since you all know what it is but just bear it :P This program will transform your Windows user interface to ultimate Windows Vista alike looks that everyone will never notice it's the same old Windows XP (or 2003)


Vista Transformation Pack will replace many of the resources in Windows XP/Windows Server 2003. It can change such things as:

  • Boot screen
  • Welcome Screen / Logon Screen
  • New msstyles files (visual styles)
  • New desktop and file icons
  • New toolbar icons
  • Progress Dialogs
  • Sounds scheme
  • System Tray icons
  • New Wallpapers
  • Windows Media Player Skins
  • And much more
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PCMAV2.0a + ClamAV Portable

Inilah keunggulan PCMAV yang membedakannya dengan antivirus lain:

- ANTIVIRUS TERBAIK: Mengenali sekaligus mengatasi gangguan virus
komputer, baik virus lokal maupun asing, yang banyak menyebar di
Indonesia lebih banyak dari antivirus lainnya di dunia.

- PRODUKSI INDONESIA: Antivirus produksi nasional pertama di Indonesia
yang berkualitas dalam mengatasi secara tuntas berbagai jenis gangguan
virus komputer yang membandel dan dengan database virus terbanyak.

- BERSIH TUNTAS: Dengan daya basmi PCMAV yang tangguh, virus yang
membandel sekalipun dapat diburu sekaligus dibersihkan secara tuntas
sampai ke "akar-akarnya" tanpa sisa.

- PENYELAMATAN DOKUMEN: Folder maupun file dokumen penting Anda yang
disembunyikan (hidden) maupun terinfeksi oleh virus dapat dipulihkan
secara sempurna hingga 100% tanpa khawatir risiko kehilangan atau
kerusakan pada file.

- PEMULIHAN SISTEM: Settingan registry dan file sistem penting Windows
yang telah "rusak", baik oleh virus maupun akibat penggunaan antivirus
lain yang kurang handal, mampu diperbaiki (repair) secara menyeluruh
hingga pulih 100%.

- AKURAT: Dengan formula khusus yang unik mampu menjadikan PCMAV sebagai
salah satu antivirus terbaik di dunia dalam hal keakuratan pendeteksian,
sehingga kesalahan dalam penyelamatan file dapat dihindari.

- AKTIF MELINDUNGI: Dirancang secara pro-aktif untuk memastikan sebuah
file yang dijalankan telah bebas virus dan akan menghadang virus
sebelum menyebar, bahkan untuk virus baru yang belum dikenal. Jadi
Anda pun bisa tenang, karena saat komputer Anda bekerja, PCMAV tak
berhenti melindunginya.

- UPDATE OTOMATIS: Kurang lebih 100 virus baru ditemukan di Indonesia
setiap bulannya. Secara otomatis, dengan online update secara reguler,
PCMAV akan melindungi komputer Anda dari ancaman virus terbaru.

- PEMERIKSAAN MENYELURUH: Teknologi multi-point scanning di PCMAV efektif
dalam menghindari lolosnya virus yang mampu otomatis aktif baik sebagai
kode injeksi, process, services, sampai yang terjadwal sekalipun.

- MENGENALI VIRUS BARU: Teknologi "GeneticHeuristic" yang unik secara
efektif mampu mendeteksi virus baru yang belum dikenal, bahkan untuk
virus script baru sekalipun yang sering lolos oleh antivirus lain.

- PENDETEKSIAN TERCEPAT: Dengan algoritma spesial yang terdapat dalam kode
komponen inti pendeteksiannya, PCMAV mampu menghasilkan performa tercepat
dibanding antivirus lain yang pernah diproduksi di Indonesia.

- DUAL-CORE ENGINE ANTIVIRUS: Engine PCMAV dapat dikombinasikan dengan
engine ClamAV yang telah disempurnakan oleh tim PCMAV untuk mendapatkan
hasil pendeteksian dan perlindungan virus yang lebih banyak, bahkan
hingga 400.000 virus/malware lebih.

- MUDAH DIOPERASIKAN: Menu dan tampilan dari sebuah program antivirus
kini begitu menyenangkan, mudah dioperasikan dan tidak ribet.

- TANPA INSTALL: PCMAV bersifat portable, sehingga dapat dioperasikan
secara langsung tanpa perlu meng-install-nya.

- AHLI TERPERCAYA: Dengan pengalaman sejak tahun 1992,pengembang antivirus
di PC Media merupakan peneliti virus komputer dan pembuat antivirus yang
sangat berpengalaman dan termasuk langka di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya,
kami tahu benar bagaimana menghasilkan antivirus terpercaya dan terbaik
sesuai kondisi di Indonesia.

- DUKUNGAN PC MEDIA: PCMAV didukung penuh oleh PC Media, majalah komputer
terbesar di Indonesia.

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Yahoo Messenger Full 9


Connect with friends from any web browser — no download required.

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Take the best of Messenger anywhere on your iPhone

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PC to Phone Calls

Now talk really is cheap!

Low PC-to-phone rates let you spend time not money.

Learn more.

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Runtime GetDataBack.for FAT.NTFS.v3.66


Do-it-yourself Data Recovery Software

GetDataBack is more than an undelete or file recovery program or a system restore:

Whatever happened to your drive-

GetDataBack will recover your data if the hard drive's partition table, boot record, FAT/MFT or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted, fdisk has been run, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, files were accidentally deleted...

Recover even when Windows doesn't recognize the drive-

GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information - not just the root directory- is missing.

Get everything back-

Advanced algorithms will make sure that all directories and sub directories are put together as they were, and that long file names are reconstructed correctly.

GetDataBack is safe-

GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will never attempt to write to the drive you are about to recover. Please make sure to read the safety instructions...

GetDataBack is easy to use-

The software enables the regular user to conduct his own data recovery by guiding him through three easy to understand steps, thus gives the advanced user the possibility to interfere with the recovery and improve the results, by examining the scan log, the file system details, file and directory information, by selecting the sector range to be scanned, by choosing excessive search for file systems or search for lost files, by calling Runtime's DiskExplorer.

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